EBAY知识,,BEST MATCH 规则变动-09年12月(转)
[来源:] 2010-08-12 09:54:00 编辑:fayqing 点击: 次
Seller Ratings performance: DSR scores are used to figure how high a listing will appear in search results. Moving forward, this will also figure in low counts or rates of 1s and 2s. Listings from sellers not reaching the minimum standards will be demoted down.
Number of recent sales: The more sales that are made from a multi-quantity listing, the higher that listing appears in search results.
Title relevance: This is based on the items that buyers have clicked and bought when the same search has been done previously.
Price/ value: The better the value of a listing, the more likely is it to attract buyers and therefore the higher the recent sales score. Sellers whoprice items low and increase the PP cost to make up for this will score poorly in the postage-related DSRs and will feature lower in search results.
Free PP: Listings offering free postage packaging are popular with buyers and are promoted in search results.
Listing duration: Listing items with longer durations helps to increase the recent sales score and reduces insertion fees and listing maintenance overhead.
Auction-style listings-没变化,依旧根据结束时间排名
Auction-style listings will continue to be sorted by time ending soonest. We’ll also continue to demote auctions from sellers that do not meet the new minimum seller performance standards to the end of the search results.
Changes to Best Match for Fixed Price listings-最新更新的政策
Recent sales score for Fixed Price - including impressions count
We are introducing search impressions into how we are looking at recent sales. A “search impression” is any time a buyer sees a search result page that includes the Fixed Price listing. The more recent sales a listing compared to its number of search impressions has, the better it will be positioned in Best Match sort.
For example, in the new version of Best Match, a listing with 100 recent impressions and 10 recent sales will score higher than a similar listing with 1000 recent impressions and only 10 recent sales.
This score will be a more accurate measure of how buyers perceive a listing than recent sales alone.
Titles count!
With the introduction of Search Impressions, titles will be more important than ever in getting the best position for Fixed Price listings. Sometimes a title that brings you a short-term gain in visibility - could without gaining sales - result in getting a lower ranking for your listing. Learn more about writing top performing titles.
Seller performance counts
这个承袭了之前的政策~Top-rated seller会有额外的排名提高。
Top-rated sellers will get an additional boost in Best Match sort. Sellers not meeting the new minimum standard will be demoted.
Improved visibility of Fixed Price listings in selected Clothing, Shoes & Accessories categories
In response to increased demand for, and availability of, Fixed Price listings, we will be revising the ratio of Auction and Fixed Price listings shown in search results for the Women’s Clothing category. We’re starting the revision immediately, and are aiming to display listings equally (where there is sufficient supply) from the start of August.